Monday, October 5, 2009

Insider Facebook Humor

Well, here's the dangers of Facebook with the wit of Brittish humor. Imagine Monty Python's funny walks Facebook application.

The fact is there's both an upside and a downside to putting yourself out on the web. I recently added Plaxo to my list of social sites. The upside was it got me in front of new people and Plaxo unlike Facebook allows you to separate your list of connections into business, friends and family. The downside is that I've had some people email me annoyed that I'm contacting them on yet another social media avenue. I'm not quite the stalker yet--I don't even play Mafia wars.

I just want to keep in contact with as many people as possible. You don't know from where the next opportunity will come. There's so many opportunities out there, however, and it's not always easy knowing how to find them.

It's a problem so many people are dealing with now that computers have opened up the millions of knowledge centers out in the world. The question isn't how do I get information but how do I get the right information, exactly the way I want it.

When I lived in New York, I used to look out at all the windows lit up at night and think to myself that for every window there's a story out there. Now, I think about all the computers out there and think how many stories are being told. The question is, how many do I want to read?

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