Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Catch The Google Wave

Hey Twitter and Facebook, Google is coming for you. They are launching their on-line tool for real time communication. They've already played Santa a little early and given out a million Google Waves. This is the preview stage, before the beta stage and then the launch stage. So, there's plenty of time to enjoy your Twitter updates a little longer.

According to Google:
A wave can be both a conversation and a document where people can discuss
and work together using richly formatted text, photos, videos, maps, and

Essentially, it’s the combination of a grip of social media connections into one “wave”. It’s instant messaging, file sharing, blogging, tweeting, retweeting and an espresso maker all in one. One Google exec explained that it is their take on what email would look like it if had been invented now. I watched the hour and twenty second demo video. I get that. It’s real time. It could be a really powerful way of communicating.

Sounds good. You can watch the video at:

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