Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Quit Facebook Day

As most of you don't know.  Yesterday was "quit Facebook day."

The social media campaign protesting the site's new privacy policy did manage to get 30,000 of Facebook's 500 million followers to drop their pages. It was a drop in the bucket, but overall the bucket still got full.  Last week, Facebook modified their policy.  Facebook also publicly denounced rumors that it would sell information to advertisers.

As the Brittish Paper, the Telegraph, reported:
Mark Zuckerberg, founder and chief executive of Facebook, last week rolled out a new simplified "privacy dashboard" to make it easier for people to lock down their personal information with a single click. He said that any setting applied to Facebook accounts would also be applied retrospectively, and that any new features or elements added to the Facebook site would automatically default to that privacy setting.

The changes were prompted in part by growing criticism from Facebook users who were concerned that some personal details were being shared with other users and third parties without their explicit knowledge or consent. The anonymous organisers of the Quit Facebook protest group said in a note on their website that although Facebook gave users a choice about how to manage their data, they weren't "fair choices" and Facebook made it "damn difficult for the average user to understand or manage this".
Maybe their protest would have been more successful if they were better and using Facebook.

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