Yes, it's that time again for us Hebrews. It's the day of awe, repenting, fasting, kibbutzing (talking with fellow jews), and meditating on being a better person. Now, all streamed right into your own home.
I'm a pretty computer literate person, but I was amazed how many of my friends and family actually went to temple this high holidays via their internet connection. They traded their ties and tallit for bathroom slippers and a laptops.
According to a few articles I've read about services 2.0, temples across the nation started streaming services for the elderly, but my friends were all in their 20s and 30s. They're used to having close-knit communities solely online.
It's perfect for those that want to tell their Jewish Mothers that they went to services, but don't want to deal with, well, services. Instead of sleeping through the Rabbi's sermon in the pews, you get to do it on the couch. You don't have to worry about parking, over-zealous ushers giving you the eye for saving 20 seats with prayer books, or all the Grannies trying to set you up with their grand-daughter two states over. I also feel there's something very comforting that G-d is listening to our prayers--spoken, silent or Tweeted.
Temple Beth El to broadcast services live on Internet
In a first for South Florida, Temple Beth El in Hollywood will broadcast video of Rosh Hashana services live over the Internet.
LFIGUEROA@MIAMIHERALD.COMBY LAURA FIGUEROAWhen Rabbi Allan C. Tuffs leads Rosh Hashana services Friday night, he hopes his message of community and worship carries far beyond the seats of Temple Beth El in Hollywood -- maybe even as far as Iraq.
Just in time for the start of the Jewish High Holidays of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, the 52-year old Reform synagogue will start live streaming its services from its website.
Though two Miami-Dade synagogues have been streaming audio over the Web for a few years, this marks the first time a South Florida temple will broadcast video over the Internet.
``It's very important to include as many people as possible who might otherwise not be included,'' Tuffs said. ``People in nursing homes, people who are homebound, as well as men and women in uniform serving abroad: They all deserve the chance to worship for the High Holidays.''
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