Social media is everywhere. It seems everyone has a facebook, myspace, linkedin or blog page. The question isn't are you blogging, podcasting, twittering, facebooking and YouTubing but how can a person or company harness that power to solve problems, such as business growth, communications breakdowns, bad PR, customer retention, and customer acquisition.
Yes, someone could view your blog or you tube video and the connection might be made. People and brands are definitely building their fame with these methods. You might have never heard of LonelyGirl15, but over 3,000,000 viewers have and love every episode. But, how do you add impact and uniqueness to your postings, messages and pages so that it’s relevant and engaging to your audience instead of being just another message in the mist?
So let me propose a new way of using Social Media Marketing for most of you. Every business now builds an email database. Even our email can be a database of knowledge. Use it. Social media is a great retention tool. A blog, email, podcast, newsletter, or twitter can remind an audience who you are and what you do. It's short. It's easy to accept or opt out.
What we all want is to know more, something that will make us smarter, faster, or better at what we do. Instead of making social media a method of bragging about ourselves. We can use it as a teaching tool. Reward them and they will come. Hopefully you will feel rewarded here.
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